Thursday, December 8, 2011

2011 - A Year in Review!

Merry Christmas!!!!

It’s been a crazy year for sure, but every day we are more convinced that the God who created us loves us very much, and faithfully provides for all our needs.  We are indeed very blessed!!!

Haaken, our oldest, turned 3 in September and definitely keeps Mom & Dad on their toes. J  He talks up a storm, and everything is a negotiation.  (Most days I’m convinced I’m raising a future attorney.)  The biggest challenge of the year has definitely been Haaken’s potty training!  He has recently learned his ABC’s and in September started attending AWANA’s on Wednesday nights at church.  AWANA is a nationwide youth program, and it stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.”  His “Puggles” curriculum (ages 2 ½ to 4) includes an art project, songs and Bible memorization verse every week.  He has already successfully memorized 6 or 7 verses!  It’s such a joy to hear him recite these Scriptures, and then to talk with him about what they mean in his little heart.  One of Mommy’s favorite recent developments is his random “I love you, Mommy” followed by a list of additional people he loves.  He has also grown into quite the big brother – one of his favorite activities is making Hunter laugh, and he’s very generous with hugs and kisses!  He is looking forward to starting preschool next fall!

Our little Hunter will turn one on December 15th.  He is growing so fast, and at 9 months old was in the 93rd percentile for height!  He started walking at 11 months old, and is now all over the place and into everything!  He loves to dance (sway his head side to side), laugh, chase his brother, pet and kiss Kona (the dog), pretend to talk on the phone, push buttons, point to pictures in books and splash in the bath tub.  He had his first swimming lessons this fall, and held his own as the youngest one in his “Mommy & Me” class at the local Y.  He is much more of a “snuggler” than his brother ever was … now if I could just get him sleeping all the way through the night consistently … J

Dan has continued in his self-employment with DJ Hovestol Construction LLC.  His trim carpentry business has expanded into some general contracting remodel projects in the past year, and he has continued to be busy with trim carpentry as well.  In a recession, we know that his busy-ness is a rarity that should not be taken for granted.  Dan also continues to enjoy his hunting hobby, and this fall began as an AWANA leader at our new church (Calvary Community Church in Williams Bay, where we started attending in June) for 3rd and 4th grade boys.  He is looking forward to playing weekly floor hockey with other young dads at church!  (Shin guards, anyone???)  Dan loves being a daddy, and enjoys playing baseball, basketball, soccer and hockey with Haaken in our basement.

I (Kristin) have continued to stay home raising our two growing boys.  I can hardly believe how fast they are growing!  At our new church I’m involved in a Tuesday morning Bible study, and will join the “Apples of Gold” women’s mentorship program in January for a 6­-week term.  I’ve also joined the area’s MOPS group (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers).  It’s wonderful to be connected with other Christian young mothers, and I’ve made some great new friends!!!  The boys and I try to stay busy with activities, visits from my parents (“Papa and Beeba”), and play dates.  My biggest challenge is finding a few moments to myself here and there … and, of course, getting a full nights sleep! (What’s that???)  I’ve been blessed to be able to grab kid-free coffee dates here and there with some of my mom-friends!  (One of the great blessings of early bedtimes!)

This December, Dan’s parents are back from their mission work in Honduras for the entire month.  The boys love playing with them, and it’s wonderful to spend time together.

Wishing you all God’s abundant blessings for 2012 and beyond!  Keep in touch!

Many blessings and love!!!
The Hovestols – Dan, Kristin, Haaken, Hunter & Kona too!