Monday, January 17, 2011

2010 - A Year in Review

Happy New Year!

2010 was certainly a busy year for us in Lake Geneva!  We have been so blessed and are thankful for everything we have been privileged to experience – both good and bad – in the past year!

Of course our biggest news was finding out we were pregnant in March, and the arrival of our Hunter Jonathan on December 15th.  We are adjusting to life with two, and learning the delicate juggling act that is parenthood!  We discovered very quickly how different the second baby is – Hunter is much more calm and easy-going, so very tolerant of his big brother’s many kisses, hugs, high-fives and even screeching through the house!  He is sleeping well, considering his age, and I am finding myself cherishing the little moments so much more this time – after all, I’ve learned firsthand how fast it all really flies by …

Haaken turned 2 in September and we celebrated by throwing a party and renting his very own bounce house for the front yard!  He is growing like a weed and learning something new every day - he is a little guy who definitely knows what he wants, and lets us know! (I am not enjoying the arrival of 2-year-old tantrums!)  He loves to dance around the house, jump on his very own trampoline (a Christmas gift) and play with a seemingly endless supply of toys.  He knows his animals and their sounds, all his colors and is communicating in full (2-year-old) sentences.  He’s recently learned to “step-swing!” when playing T-ball (always hitting a “home run” of course!), use the pedals on his tricycle, count to six and do “thumbs up.”  We go to a weekly “gym” class at our local YMCA which helps him burn some energy and interact with other kids his age.

Dan’s business, DJ Hovestol Construction, has continued to thrive, even amidst a suffering economy and housing market.  We are thankful to have a few key clients that keep him busy, and God has continued to provide work for him.  We also managed to sell our
Pleasant Street
(rental) house in October which was a HUGE answer to prayer!  We were not sad at all to say good bye to the headache of being landlords!!!

In May I completed the online MBA program from UW Whitewater that I began in January 2007.  However, that same month I also left my part-time position at the local electrical contractor where I’d been working for over 3 years.  I hope to someday use the skills and education I’ve gained to help grow DJ Hovestol Construction, but for right now God has opened the door for me to stay home and raise my two growing little men.  While the task does seem daunting at times (I still haven’t figured out how to grocery shop with both kids), I am thankful for the privilege of bringing them into the world and spending so much quality time with them!

Haaken and I enjoyed some traveling in 2010 – a trip to Florida in March to see my family, a weekend in Michigan visiting a high school friend’s family, almost a week in California, and a road trip to Anderson for AU homecoming!  I even got to take two trips this year WITHOUT kids (thank you, Daddy!) - a weekend in Anderson for my brother Jeff’s college graduation in May AND a weekend in Chicago with a college friend in early August!

I consider myself extremely lucky to have retired parents who also have their own place in Lake Geneva!  They made several trips north this year, staying for six weeks both in August/September for Haaken’s birthday & AU homecoming and again in December/January for Hunter’s arrival.  I cannot even put into words how helpful they are with the kids and how much it’s appreciated!

Dan’s parents were also able to make the trip back to the States a couple times in 2010.  They came for a couple weeks in April for his sister Courtney’s wedding in Bemidji, Minnesota.  Their "official" furlough was then for about another 5 weeks in September for Haaken’s birthday and the arrival of Sydney Anne on September 24th, Courtney’s daughter and our first niece!

We are looking forward to what 2011 has to hold for our growing family, and pray God’s blessings on you and yours for the coming year as well!

Dan, Kristin, Haaken & Hunter Hovestol
(Kona too!)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hunter's Birth Story

The arrival of our little Hunter, just as Haaken's, was nothing short of a miracle.  That God chose me to carry this little bundle, nurture and raise him, makes me realized how blessed I am!

Hunter's due date was Monday, December 13th.  My OB appointment the week before revealed that I was dilated to just 1-2cm, but essentially nothing was happening.  I visited the spa at Grand Geneva on my due date for a massage and pedicure! :)

The next day I had some Braxton Hicks (false labor) contractions throughout most of the day.  My OB appointment in the afternoon had me hooked up to a monitor, where they could see some of my contractions and monitor the baby's heart rate.  He was a bit sleepy, so they gave me some soda to drink to get him to move around more.  When checked, I was dilated to 3-4cm.

On Wednesday, December 15th I had SOME Braxton Hicks during the day, but they seemed to subside when I rested.  That evening, my parents brought pizza for dinner.  As we were all sitting around the dinner table, I keeled over ... my mom immediately realized what was happening and said "It's 6:15!" - knowing we needed to start timing the contractions right away.  I took a shower, and even blow-dried my hair - wanting to be "sure" that labor had indeed started and the contractions were coming fast enough to go to the hospital.

By 7:30pm I was on the phone with my doctor and the contractions were coming faster - much faster than the minimum five minute interval my doctor had given me!  We headed to the hospital and arrived just before 8pm.  Once settled in the room, the nurse said I was dilated to 4-5cm.  I immediately requested an epidural but had to have IV fluids for about an hour before I could have it; the contractions got harder and harder, coming about every 2 minutes but still a bit irregular.  By 8:45 or 9pm, I was up to 6-7cm; my OB was on her way and the anesthesiologist came up to give me my epidural. 

I was situated with the epidural by 9:15 or 9:30pm, but my left side went more numb than my right - I still had some back labor on my right side which, needless to say, was quite frustrating!  By around 10pm my OB came in and broke my water - she also tilted the bed almost upright to get the baby to move down more.

By about 10:25pm, I started pushing.  The contractions were coming about every 4 minutes, but slowed down - we spent considerable time 'twiddling our thumbs' and waiting for the next contraction!  Thankfully, we didn't have to wait too long - Hunter Jonathan was born at 11:01pm!

When he arrived, Hunter was greeted by Mommy, Daddy and Auntie Megan (who was waiting in the hall!).  His arrival and photo was also broadcast via text message and Facebook within the first hour!  When he was just 45 minutes old, he nursed for the first time - for about 45 minutes! 

Hunter nursed again at about 2:30am.  Then, while I was waiting for my epidural to wear off, the nurse took Hunter into the nursery for his first bath, hearing test and first photo so that Mommy and Daddy could sleep for a couple hours.  At about 5am, I got to take a shower and we moved into our recovery room.

Later that morning, Hunter was greeted by his big brother Haaken and his Papa and Grammie Giesler!  He was also visited in the hospital by several friends and family, including Great Grandma Hovestol and Great Uncle Joel & Aunt Annette!

Hunter came home late in the afternoon on Friday, December 17th!